Category Archives for Ezra-Nehemiah

Nehemiah 13

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Hey Gang,

We finish our study of the Ezra/Nehemiah scroll. And I am absolutely loving what I have found out! I think you will really enjoy it. We cover Nehemiah chapter 13, but also take quick drive through the book of Malachi as well.

And lastly, I share the “Gospel of Larry Dobbs.” Larry was a naturalist lecturer on a trip we took to Antartica. And I think you will find his take on the state of the world really interesting in the light of how the Book of Nehemiah ends.

Dain Spore is Pastor of Kauai Christian Fellowship, Hawaii.

Nehemiah 10-12

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Hey Gang!

We take a dive into Nehemiah 10-12.

We find some wonderful promises from the Jews in Jerusalem to God. But it’s a bit like reading Peanuts! Remember Lucy encouraging Charlie Brown to come take a shot at the football? He’s thinking “Oh! This time FOR SURE she won’t pull the ball away.” I am reminded of an old 80’s song with the line, “You make me promises, promises.”

But what does it tell us about ourselves and OUR lives lived out before God? What does it tell us about HIM?

Dain Spore is Pastor of Kauai Christian Fellowship, Hawaii.

Nehemiah 8 and 9

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Hey Gang,

We are back to Nehemiah this week, chapters 8 and 9. This is a great portion of Scripture where the people discover the joy of God’s Word, and allow it to impact their lives. So watch and let God’s Word impact YOUR life! We have a brief discussion on “world view” and see why the Biblical world view rocks!


Dain Spore is Pastor of Kauai Christian Fellowship, Hawaii.

Nehemiah 6 and 7

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Pastor Dain Spore: Nehemiah 6 and 7 - Enemy Lies

We see the wall of Jerusalem get completed under the savvy leadership of Nehemiah. But it will not happen without opposition. That opposition won’t be with open warfare, but the most effective opposition of all…lies! We cover chapters 6 and 7 this time.

Dain Spore is Pastor of Kauai Christian Fellowship, Hawaii.

Nehemiah 4 and 5

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Hey Gang!

In our study of Nehemiah chapters 4-5 we see serious opposition to the Jews who are rebuilding Jerusalem. So much so, they are told to work with a “tool in one hand, and a sword in the other."

As we go through this study, we realize that the Holy Spirit makes everything come together for success; all we have to do is show up when He calls.


00:00 Review of previous Nehemiah chapters

07:33 Nehemiah 4:1-14

20:40 Jungle Jen's story

29:37 Nehemiah 4:15-5:19

59:34 Closing prayer


Dain Spore is Pastor of Kauai Christian Fellowship, Hawaii.

Nehemiah 2:11-3:32

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Hey Gang,

We cover chapter three of Nehemiah this time. At first glance it just looks like a list of people who pitched in to rebuild the walls (and it is!), but I found some cool little side stories related to the building I think you will enjoy! For starters…why do I think it is so important for me to be there on Landscape Day? Nehemiah!

Dain Spore is Pastor of Kauai Christian Fellowship, Hawaii.

Nehemiah 1:1-2:10

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We start the Book of Nehemiah, although it is technically a continuation of the Ezra scroll. But it is a great story of a man of God, on a mission, who fully trusts God’s ability to do the seemingly impossible through him! We cover Nehemiah 1 through 2:10.

Let’s get these walls built!


Dain Spore is Pastor of Kauai Christian Fellowship, Hawaii.

Ezra 9-10

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Strange wives! That’s how the KJV describes the pagan women that Israelite men married. Well, I’m sure glad God doesn’t have a problem with wives who are simply strange!

What was the deal then? How is Ezra going to deal with the problem of Jewish men marrying pagan-worshipping women? And were they really married?

Join us as we finish the Book of Ezra. Cast your vote: Was Ezra a legalistic jerk? Was he a hero of the faith? A mix of the two? And what does all this have to do with wearing shoes in your house?

It’s gonna be interesting! Because History is complicated.


Dain Spore is Pastor of Kauai Christian Fellowship, Hawaii.

Ezra 7-8

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Ezra shows up on the scene and he brings the Word! Literally, physically. He picks up the Word of God to bring it to Jerusalem. It’s a pretty cool story with great ramifications for us.

We cover Ezra chapters 7 & 8. It’s fun!

Dain Spore is Pastor of Kauai Christian Fellowship, Hawaii.

Ezra 4-6

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Pastor Dain continues his series on the Book of Ezra with the obstacles to rebuilding the temple in Jerusalem. Dain covers chapters 4-6.

Dain is Pastor of Kauai Christian Fellowship in Hawaii.
