Category Archives for Leviticus

Leviticus: Grace: Grace! Grace!

Pastor Dain Spore: Leviticus: Grace! Grace! Grace!

We did it! Despite an “Exodus of Leviticus” (thanks Garrett!) the “remnant” gathered to put the final touches on the Book of Leviticus. We cover the final two chapters, discovering that running underneath all the “do’s and don’ts” of Leviticus, it was always all about Grace Grace Grace!

Leviticus: Hooray for Jubilee!

Pastor Dain Spore: Leviticus: Hooray for Jubilee!

Hey Gang.
I am pleasantly surprised by how interesting Leviticus chapters 24 and 25 are. I wasn’t expecting it! I’ll bet you enjoy it, too.

Hooray for Jubilee and…What has God got against Payday Loans???

Leviticus: The Good Priest

Leviticus: The Good Priest

We start with chapter 21, rules for the Levitical priests. We learn that Jesus is our Priest, the only one good (unblemished). Then we touch on the rules of sacrifice and look at various festivals. The festivals in particular serve as great reminders of where we today fit into God's workings here on earth.

Leviticus: Wow, the Rules!

Pastor Dain Spore: Wow, the Rules!

Leviticus chapters 18-20 draw a huge contrast between the way God expected His children to behave versus the ways of the other nations. The surrounding nations practiced horrible acts that shock even non-Christians today. But the bottom line lesson in this study is that God's grace is the answer to our moral failings.

Leviticus: Scapegoatin’

Pastor Dain Spore: Leviticus-Scapegoatin'

Ever wondered where the term 'scapegoat' came from? Leviticus!

After all the weirdness of “emissions and lesions” from last week, chapters 16 and 17 are really interesting in comparison. Not only will we get some insight into the Holy of Holies rituals (Day of Atonement) but learn the true meaning of scapegoat. Also, after this video I bet you never look at communion the same way again! I know I won’t.

Leviticus: The Brady Bunch

Pastor Dain Spore: Leviticus-The Brady Bunch

We cover a very large chunk of super awkward Scripture, chapters 11-15. I’m sure you will all be looking forward to discussing bodily emissions! Exactly…

Meanwhile, during my studies I began to see a pattern developing in Leviticus that reminded me of a specific episode from the Brady Bunch. What in the world could Leviticus have to do with the Brady Bunch? Come find out!

Leviticus: Strange Fire

Pastor Dain Spore: Leviticus-Strange Fire

"You worship God your way, I'll worship Him His way." We look at Leviticus chapters 8-10 as Moses hands over the priestly reigns to Aaron and his sons…with mixed results! Really interesting stuff I think you will enjoy.

A Closer Look at Sin

Pastor Dain Spore: Leviticus-A Closer Look at SIN

What does the book of Leviticus have to do with the Olympic Torch, Van Halen and M&Ms?
Find out! We are covering Chapters 4-7.

Leviticus-Sin and Sacrifice

Leviticus, Sin and Sacrifice

Hey gang,
The guys at the Bible Project described the Book of Leviticus as being like the “weird uncle of your family. Like, you know he’s part of the family but he’s awkward and makes people uncomfortable and you kind of hope he doesn’t show up at the party!”.

But it is so awesome! It is God showing us the way to Jesus almost a thousand years before He showed up. And it all points to Him! And we as His “royal priesthood” get to join in with all the weirdness! We are looking at chapters 1-3.

Leviticus Premier

Pastor Dain Spore: Leviticus Premier

Oh, man! I have only just begun to dive into Leviticus and already I am so excited to share it with you all as we venture together through this book! I’m really looking forward to the next ten weeks or so. Come find out why people say "Beware of Leviticus!"

To get an idea of how some may feel about trying to read Leviticus for themselves, Dain suggests you view Monty Python's Holy Handgernade.
