Joshua Part 1

Joshua Bible Study Part 1: Joshua the Warrior

Hey, Gang! After two weeks off, I’m super excited to dig into the Book of Joshua. Have you read it yet? It’s pretty violent. Actually, it is very violent, and the violence comes at the behest of our God. This is not easy for us to understand, and (plot spoiler) there are no easy answers. This is probably not a Bible study for those who are immature in the faith, or not well-seasoned by Scripture. However, time and time again we have been rewarded for our diligence to trust God and go forging ahead into the most difficult Scriptures, and this time is no different. So proceed with an open mind. Joshua is great!


00:00 We begin the Book of Joshua.

18:06 The purpose of the Book of Joshua

21:08 Joshua 1:1-5

27: 08 Joshua 1:6-9

36:17 Joshua 1: 10-11

37:36 Joshua 1:12-15

45:48 Joshua 1:16-18

57:13 Closing Prayer
