Tag Archives for " Book of Acts "

Acts 28

Pastor Dain: Acts 28. The Book of Acts Hasn't Ended

I thought it would be fun to mix it up a bit, and get to hear from all (or most) of you. After a shorter-than-normal teaching, I want to hear from you guys about what stands out most when you look back on the Book of Acts.



Mike mentions three people that impressed him:

Julius the Centurion. He was the guy responsible to take Paul to Rome. What a job that turned out to be!

Luke: Humbly never put himself in the forefront of the story.

Paul: This man tried to save the Jews of Jerusalem. Jesus knew many would not repent; He predicted the destruction of the temple that took place shortly after Paul probably died. If they had repented, Jesus may have made a different prediction!


Garrett likes the story of the demon-possessed servant girl. Paul cast the spirit out and for his troubles he was flooged and thrown in jail. He and his pals sang hymns, the earthquake opened the doors and the jailer and his family was saved.


Donna loves the story of Peter and John before the Sanhedrin in chapter 4, especially the part where thy proclaim they must obey God rather than men.

Dain reponds with the thought that we all need to have that king of strength in our conviction that God is true and real.

Conrad adds that the only charge the Sanhedrin could come up with somebody got healed.


Kirk points out that Acts has multiple instances of the Church showing great hospitality to its members. Dain responds by acknowledging that so many people are very kind to him (especially with food).


Dave mentions things currently in the news regarding efforts to shut down churches (for example, Canada building a fence around a church to prevent people attending services). His point is that the Church is not made up of buildings and meeting places. The true Church, the worldwide body of believers, cannot be contained by any force of man. Even the arrest of Paul did exactly the opposite of what was hoped--the Church grew greatly in number everywhere Paul went.


Stephanie says her husband Steve's favorite story is when the demon says, "Jesus I know, and I know about Paul, but who are you?" That's Acts 19:15.


Tom Clemmens tells the legend of the Three Fountains. Apparently when they beheaded Paul, his head bounced three times and that's where the fountain sprung up. Did we say that this is a legend?

Dain points out that not knowing anything about Paul's death may very well have been God's intent so that we would not turn Paul's grave site into a gigantic shrine. It keeps the focus where the focus needs to be.


Louis talks about Enoch, Elisha, Moses; saints who either went straight to God without dying or, in Moses' case, whose body was never found. Paul could be one or the other.

Acts 27

Acts 27: Surfing Malta

I have to give credit for this joke to pal Dan Conger. After Tony’s message on Acts last week Dan said, “Hey, the first surfing in the Bible was when they rode planks in Malta!” And he’s right!

This time we look at the exciting story of Paul’s journey to Rome that has him shipwrecked on a Mediterranean island. We are covering all of chapter 27.

Acts 25,26

On Trial for His Life Paul Takes the Stand

The Book of Acts, chapters 25 and 26. It is Paul’s last attempt to share Gospel in Israel. This time it is to both the new ruling Governor Festus, and the pseudo-king of Israel, Herod Agrippa. After these two chapters Paul will begin his final journey towards Rome and eventual martyrdom for the Gospel. This time we see some classic objections to the Gospel including “This is all much too incredible to be true” and “I just need more time." Paul’s response to these is perfect!

Acts 16:11-40

Pastor Dain Spore: Acts 16. God Is In Charge

The powers of the Roman government and the local jailer were arrayed against Paul and Silas in Acts 16. Oh, but God has a way of swapping His power into this sort of situation. Watch as Paul and Silas teach everyone about God's power to make things right.

Acts 15:36-16:10

Pastor Dain Spore: Acts:15:36-16:10. A Bit of a Squabble.

Pastor Dain Spore's ongoing series of Bible studies on the Book of Acts. This time, it's a look at the human side of the Bible hero Paul. Good friends Paul and Barnabas get into a disagreement and go their separate ways, but God uses the incident to further spread the Good News of Jesus Christ. Two famous names join with Paul: Timothy and Luke, the author of Acts.

These videos are normally posted on Wednesdays or Thursdays. However, Dain is taking a break over the holidays. He'll be back in January 2021. Thanks for joining us!

Acts 15

So the First Century Church continues to spread, and is bearing great fruit amongst the Gentiles. But behind this wave of conversions follows another wave of well-meaning “Judaizers” who desperately need to get these Gentiles on board with "REAL" righteousness. Mainly…get the men circumcised! This of course would put a bit of a damper on the evangelical zeal happening in Antioch, so the Church sends Paul and Barnabas (Paul needed some encouragement perhaps) up to Jerusalem to sort this out. Circumcision may be a small thing in the grand scheme of things, but this is a huge moment for the Church, not only to choose a path towards grace, but also about how decisions get made in the Kingdom of God.

Acts 14

Pastor Dain Spore continues his Chicken Skin Bible series with Acts chapter 14. Wait, Paul and Barnabas are Hermes and Zeus? Well, that's what a whole town thought, and the citizens were ready to worship and sacrifice animals to Paul and Barnabas. Paul ends up half dead, but the Good News of Jesus Christ keeps spreading, even to the pagans. A great chapter about the grace of God.

Acts 13

Chapter 13 of the Book of Acts. Pastor Dain Spore continues his series on the Book of Acts. This time, the Gospel message is spreading out across the land as Paul begins his first missionary trip. The Good News of Jesus Christ is being taken to the ends of the earth.

Acts 12

Pastor Dain's series on the Book of Acts continues, this time in Acts chapter 12. There are two adventures in chapter 12. The first is the Apostle Peter's week in jail, ended when an angel marches him past the guards to freedom (and the funny response when he shows up alive at a prayer meeting). The second is King Herod Agrippa's rather brutal death when he took credit for being a god.

Acts 11

Pastor Dain continues his Bible studies series on the Book of Acts. This time it's Acts chapter 11, a chapter with two main parts. First, the Apostle Peter explains what happened when the Roman centurion Cornelius turned to Christ. Second, the city of Antioch becomes a hotbed of the gospel; the church exploded in number. Antioch is where the believers were first called Christians.

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