Tag Archives for " grace "

Leviticus: Grace: Grace! Grace!

Pastor Dain Spore: Leviticus: Grace! Grace! Grace!

We did it! Despite an “Exodus of Leviticus” (thanks Garrett!) the “remnant” gathered to put the final touches on the Book of Leviticus. We cover the final two chapters, discovering that running underneath all the “do’s and don’ts” of Leviticus, it was always all about Grace Grace Grace!

Commandment 11

Pastor Dain Spore's Chicken Skin Moment this time is The Eleventh Commandment, focusing on Exodus 20:1,1. These two verses come just before the famous Ten Commandments and they drastically change our understanding of the Commandments! Dain explains how to read the Commandments through "the eyes of grace."

Acts 15

So the First Century Church continues to spread, and is bearing great fruit amongst the Gentiles. But behind this wave of conversions follows another wave of well-meaning “Judaizers” who desperately need to get these Gentiles on board with "REAL" righteousness. Mainly…get the men circumcised! This of course would put a bit of a damper on the evangelical zeal happening in Antioch, so the Church sends Paul and Barnabas (Paul needed some encouragement perhaps) up to Jerusalem to sort this out. Circumcision may be a small thing in the grand scheme of things, but this is a huge moment for the Church, not only to choose a path towards grace, but also about how decisions get made in the Kingdom of God.
