Tag Archives for " Matthew 5 "

Matthew 5:20-32

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Hey gang!

We finished last week with a little teaser for this weeks lesson. Jesus told the crowd that unless their righteousness exceeded that of the Pharisees they could not enter the Kingdom of Heaven. This must have been extremely disconcerting for the crowd, but...Jesus was just getting warmed up!

This time we watch Jesus raise the bar of righteousness to ridiculous heights to show us once and for all how crazy it is to think that we could ever “pass the bar".


00:00 Review of previous studies.
05:41 A biblical allegory.
09:52 Self-righteousness.
13:15 "Good enough" isn't good enough.
13:44 Matthew 5:20-32.
59:13 Closing prayer.

Dain Spore is Pastor of Kauai Christian Fellowship, Kauai, Hawaii.

Matthew 5:3-5

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Pastor Dain: Matthew 5:3-5 - Beatitudes 1,2 and 3

Hey Gang,

Last week we heard from J. Vernon McGee that there is a reason they are called the “Be-Attitudes” and not the “Do-Attitudes” because living in God’s Kingdom is all about the inner life of who you are, which will impact what you do. And if that was too much of a mouthful, watch the video as we sort it all out.

We look at the first three Beatitudes: Blessed are the poor in spirit; Blessed are those who mourn; Blessed are the meek.


00:00 Dain's silly joke

01:47 Review of the first for chapters of Matthew.

07:11 What is a Beatitude?

16:13 Blessed are the poor in spirit.

26:23 Blessed are those who mourn.

32:49 Blessed are the meek.

49:53 Shamu the Whale tales.

51:45 Closing prayer.

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Dain Spore is Pastor of Kauai Christian Fellowship, Hawaii.
