Tag Archives for " Matthew chapter 6 "

Matthew 6:1-8

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Hey Gang!

We have finally made it to Matthew chapter 6 (whooohoo!) in our study of the Book of Matthew.

I am super excited because we will be covering the Lord’s Prayer this month, and as I have discovered over the past 10 years or so, this prayer is like an inch long, but miles and miles deep! I continue to find new ways to think about it when I pray, and I look forward to sharing some of these ideas with you all, and also hearing what God has revealed to you through this prayer.

In this video we get the first part of the chapter done (hide your good deeds and don’t make a spectacle of yourself when you pray), and will start the Lord’s prayer next week.


00:00 Alone with God - Matthew 5:1-8
04:05 Review of previous studies in the book of Matthew
07:08 God knows our heart
57:45 Dain’s trick for getting into prayer
01:04:18 Closing prayer

Dain Spore is pastor of Kauai Christian Fellowship, Hawaii.
